Take the first step towards taking back control of your life.

Get the tools and strategies to implement in every day living, so you can get off the addiction roller coaster and be a happier and healthier version of you, for you and your loved ones.

Come and join me in this three month program and see that life can be better.


Join The Self Paced Program Now

Pathway to Wellness - SELF PACED

This is for you to get back to living your great life, at the pace of life.

With all the tools that you will need in your pocket and on the go.  

To take brave and courageous steps forward in your wellbeing.

To get a frame work of tools that are actually going to help you move forwards in life.

To drown out the noise and confusion of all the information out there that you don't know how to impelment.

To start paving your Pathway to Wellness one brick at a time and keep coming back to it.

Let's do it!


Learn actionable tools and strategies to implement in every day life to get back to living your life.


Develop confidence and self trust so you know what decisions and choices are right for you in any moment.


Move forwards in your life in a way that feels aligned and right for you without guilt, resentment or regret.

What's included - How does it work?

From Amanda:

To me, you getting off the Addiction Roller Coaster and living your great life is personal.

You’re not in this alone.


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Pay In Full



  • Save 9% investing upfront
  • Full online 3 month Pathway to Wellness Program
  • Once a month Group Coaching Check-In
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Payment Plan



  • Get started and spread the investment over the three months
  • Full online 3 month Pathway to Wellness Program
  • Once a month Group Coaching Check-In
Sign up Now

The Past

You don’t know what the next step is, or exactly what you want. You don’t know what the answer is. You are at a loss as to what would actually help. All you know for certain, is that ‘this’ is not ok, and you know that you can’t continue living like “this”

You are sick and tired of this problematic use/addiction affecting all areas of your life

You’ve undoubtedly tried all the things you can think of to help the situation. You’ve tried everything you can possibly think of to help your loved one see they have a problem. You have suggested every possible way that they could seek support for themselves.

But nothing seems to work. If anything, things are getting progressively worse.

The Now

The silent whisper of Radical Acceptance that you realise that in fact you cannot change someone else’s behaviour and the only thing you can change is your own behaviour.

You realise that someone else’s problematic use/behaviour has left you merely existing in a life and you are a shell of the person you used to be.  Your other relationships are falling apart, your career and work is suffering, you feel endless trapped and stuck and at a loss. 

The penny drops that you actually need the right kind of support for you.  Friends and family are great, but they don't really get it.

And you realise that you can't do this alone because it's a really tough thing you are living in and navigating.

The Future

Everybody wins when you eventually get the right support and focus on your wellbeing and getting back to living your great life.

Everybody wins when you turn your focus onto what you can actually control, which is your own wellbeing and your response to their behaviour.

You are better for yourself, you’re better placed to support your loved one from a healthy perspective and you are leading the way for positive change with an open door for your loved one to join you (if that's what you choose)

You have stepped off the chaotic rollercoaster. You trust yourself to make good decisions and are moving forwards in life.  You are in tune in to your needs and wants. Peace and calm feels like home.

What past clients have to say...


Amanda helped me rediscover who I am, what made me happy and how to thrive despite the turbulence caused by my spouse’s addiction.

-Lindsay L.F (USA) 


Focusing on my wellness recovery has provided me the opportunity to grow and live a full and meaningful life by learning intentional practices, tools and strategies to prioritise my well-being daily

-Stacey K (Australia)


The program gave me so many amazing tools and strategies to use to help me find happiness in my life no matter what may be going on in it. I am so grateful.”

-Erin S (USA)

There are three Ways to work with Me in the Pathway to Wellness Program:

💫 Self Paced Program

💫 Group Coaching Program

💫 Signature Program 

Choose which way is best for you and let's get started!

Self paced Study


Top features

  • Full online 3 month Pathway to Wellness Program
  • 14 core areas to work through with over 30 Videos & Workbooks
  • One group Coaching session per month for 3 months for support and accountability
  • 6 months access to online program
  • 6 months access to Facebook Community
  • Option to add on 1:1 sessions or upgrade to Group Coaching or Signature program at any time.
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Group Coaching


Most Popular

  • Full online 3 month Pathway to Wellness Program
  • 14 core areas to work through with over 30 Videos & Workbooks
  • Unlimited access to weekly group coaching sessions (3 session times weekly) over three months/14 weeks
  • 6 months access to online program
  • 6 months access to Facebook Community
  • Option to add on 1:1 sessions or upgrade to the Signature Program at any time.
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Signature Program


Top features

  • Full online 3 month Pathway to Wellness Program
  • 14 core areas to work through with over 30 Videos & Workbooks
  • Unlimited access to weekly group coaching sessions (3 session times each week) over three months/14 weeks
  • Seven (7) 45 minute tailored 1:1coaching sessions at flexible times that work for you.
  • 3 months of private & direct 1:1 access to me through VOXER (messaging app) where you can text or voice message me directly for coaching support between sessions.
  • 6 months access to online program
  • 6 months access to Facebook Community
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Take control of your life today.



Get access to outcome focused and heart lead coaching to unravel the confusion and get back to living.


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